Course in service
For you who wants to combine studies with a practical placement
You can be placed within:
- Kitchen
- Cleaning
- Garden
- Maintenance
You can study:
- Swedish language, in writing and speaking
- Swedish society
- Health and quality of life
- Kitchen and cleaning hygiene standards
Target group:
The course in service is for you who are currently not working or studying.
After the course in service, you may take the SFI-test.
Nordiska folkhögskolan
Olof Palmes väg 1
442 31 Kungälv
Buss stop:
Fontin (buss 3)
Fars Hatt (buss 401, X4)
Do you have any questions?
Telephone: 0303-20 62 00
"Helhetslyftet" is owned by Västra Götaland's region, Folkhögskolaförvaltningen, and is co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)