Do you wish to get in touch with us?

Postal and visitor adress

Nordiska folkhögskolan
Olof Palmes väg 1
442 31 Kungälv


+46 (0)303 - 20 62 00


Reception opening hours

Monday - friday 08:00 - 16:00

You are very welcome to contact us in the way that suits you best!

You can reach us by e-mail, the contact form to the right or telephone, and you are always very welcome to visit us during our opening hours.

Eva Damberg Sjöholm is responsible for conference and B&B, and happy to assist you based on the wishes and needs you have regarding conference or housing requests.

Contact form


Nordiska Folkhögskolan in Kungälv is located 20km north of Gothenburg on the E6 towards Oslo.

Drive into central Kungälv until you reach the big roundabout in the center of Kungälv.
In the roundabout; turn onto Fontinvägen and drive up the long hill.
Where the road divides; turn right and continue straight ahead between the residential buildings.

After about 500 meters you will see a sign to Nordiska Folkhögskolan, just continue straight until the road ends. At the end of the road you will find our main entrance.


Take bus Grön Express from bus stop Nordstan in Gothenburg.

You have three options of where you can get off the bus in Kungälv.

The first bus stop you can get off at is Eriksdal, from there you walk over the bridge and pass the fortress on your right hand side. When you reach hotel Fars Hatt you keep going on the road between the hotel and the church.

After about 150 meters; keep to your left and follow the sign to Nordiska Folkhögskolan, up the two short but steep hills and some steps, which will lead you to our main entrance. This option is a walk of approximately 15 minutes.

The second option is to get off at bus stop Fars Hatt, from which you walk back a bit towards the hotel and the church, from there the instructions are the same as the first option. This option is a walk of approximately 10 minutes.


The last option is to get off at bus stop Västra Parken, from which it is a walk of approximately 20 minutes to Nordiska.

If you have heavy luggage we advise you to take a taxi from the bus stop.


Local taxi companies in Kungälv:

Taxi Pelle: +46 (0)303 - 63 444, +46 (0)708 - 63 09 40

PK Trafiken: +46 (0)303 - 24 90 20

Taxi Kungälv: +46 (0)303 - 137 50